Bucket list?

So lately I’ve heard people talking about Mists of Pandaria  bucket lists.

Are there that many buckets that we need to list them all?

Does that have anything to do with this expansion being MoP?

I mean, yes, MoPs need buckets, but why a whole list?

Oh, my bad.

You ment THAT kind of bucket list.

Boy, I feel silly now.

Well, I’ll tell you what, here is my bucket list in a single picture.


Thats Dechen, the Pally that I am nearly done leveling towards this next expansion.

I came back to the game right after Blizzcon, recharged and excited. Not so much for this expansion, which just never really clicked with me. I’m excited for the expansion to come.

In my opinion both Cata and MoP were rather lackluster. I’m hoping to fall back in love with the game with WoD.

Anyhow, my list.

Its pretty simple really. Since I came back after quite a break, I started from scratch with a new character. She is currently 89, though I hope to fix that soon.

  • Finish Leveling Dechen to 90.
  • Level Fishing, Cooking and First Aid to max.
  • Choose two professions and level them as well.
  • Gather the set of armor I want for transmog. (The Karazhan tanking plate)
  • Liquidate all the excess stuff I have in my assorted guild vaults.
  • End up with one banker guild and bank alt on each faction.
  • If I still have time, pick a class to level Horde side and do the same over there. (if not, that’s my free 90)

I think that just about covers it for me.

I’m so far behind I don’t have any raiding goals, no major achievements to grind, nothing really other than using this content to get ready to launch into WoD straight away.

How about you?

Any plans?



