The Banker

The Banker



One by one I stand and watch,

The favored characters leave.

They go to fight in far off lands,

That I’ll likely never see.


I might be sportin’ spiffy clothes,

I might be dressed in rags,

The only thing that counts to them,

Is what is in my bags.


I’d love to go there with them,

But they say they need me here.

To keep the home fires burning,

And help repair their gear.


With freshly purchased flasks and such,

I send them on their way.

To go and throw themselves against,

The raid boss of the day.


I may not get achievements,

They claim I never fight,

What about the cut-throat posts,

In the Auction House last night?


So here I sit in Ironforge,

Running to and fro,

I wonder what it’s like outside,

Man I’d like to go.


Then again my lot in life,

Is not to leave the town.

But to be the one who stays behind,

And never lets them down.


Fully geared and level capped,

They look down on me to much.

They think a real main character,

Should go save the world and such.


Well raiding characters come and go.

The same with “mains” for PvP.

The only constant in this gang,

Is the Banker, a’la ME.



It’s as real as you make it

I need coffee.

I bought some yesterday and yet failed to bring it in to work. Apparently today I woke up on the fail side of the bed. Those of you that have been around for  a while know what this means.

I get random.

Bizarre tangents get explored, ridiculous posts get written, and I generally get e-mail telling me to go back on my meds. Well, such is life.

Today we will be exploring a tangent that came to mind after I read a news story about the Korean Supreme Court.


The Korean Supreme Court recently decided that virtual currency is in fact real. The reasoning is that it is earned through “work” as opposed to through gambling.


If the government here in the United States were to decide to agree with them how would that effect me?

Would I have to pay taxes on my glyph business?

Could I write off the money I spend on flasks and buff food as a business expense?

Perhaps only on runs where one of my crafters gets a new pattern to drop?

How about paying government fees?

Could I cover the annual registration for my car with in-game gold? 

Could I pay my income taxes the same way?


These are the kind of things that run through my head after I read a simple news story and put it together with whats going on in my life. It is all about the real world value of in-game currency. Let me assure you it has real value.

Here is an example.

My sons teachers cannot stop gushing about how his grades have improved over the last several weeks. He has gone from just scraping by to excellent across the board. They are truly impressed, and I am as well.

How does that have anything to do with the real value of virtual money?

If he makes honor roll I buy him the epic flight skill for his main.

Right now he is farming 5000 gold in a classroom.


Yes the gold has real value.



Gearing up a fresh 80 Hunter in the brave new world of 3.3

Well here I am again.

My Troll Hunter just made level 80, joining the ranks of the other 80’s on my character page.

That part of the journey is over, and another has just begun.

The whole point of leveling this character was to run instances with friends. For that I need a bit of gear. I wrote up a guide shortly after Wrath launched that showed how I could gear a character without ever setting foot in an instance. If you have not seen it, and are truely new to Huntering check it out, it has good information on the hit cap as well as gem and enchant choices.

While that guide will still work, and for the most part I will follow it before I start running heroics, the looking for dungeon feature has greatly changed how I look at gearing up. I am not truly interested in pugging with my new Hunter, though I know some badge farming is in my future. Hopefully with friends, but we shall see.

With that in mind I decided to sit down and make up a list of the major upgrades I could manage to pick up  through various means that did not involve raiding.

These include:

  • Quest rewards (unless the quest requires raiding)
  • Bind on Equip drops
  • Bind on Equip craftable items (even those with insane mats costs)
  • Drops from five player instances, both normal and heroic
  • Gear purchased with badges (although if an item costs the same or more than a better one I left it out, I’ll just buy the better one.)

Since I went to all the trouble of making this list I figure I would toss it out there on the off-chance it might be of use to someone who wanders past.

Not to mention if I post it here it’s hard to misplace my list 🙂


Emblem of Frost (50)
Devourer of Souls – The Forge of Souls (N)
Emblem of Valor (25)
Erekem – The Violet Hold (H)
Maiden of Grief – Halls of Stone (N)
Leatherworking BoE


Emblem of Frost (95)
Leatherworking BoE
Emblem of Triumph (50)
Marwyn – Halls of Reflection (H)
The Captain’s Chest – Halls of Reflection (N)
Champion’s Cache – Trial of the Champion (H)
Leatherworking BoE
Marwyn – Halls of Reflection (H)
Zone drop – Drak’Tharon Keep


Leatherworking BoE
Leatherworking BoE
Leatherworking BoE
Falric – Halls of Reflection (H)
The Captain’s Chest – Halls of Reflection (H)
Emblem of Valor (40)
Falric – Halls of Reflection (N)
Leatherworking BoE
Champion’s Cache – Trial of the Champion (H)
Keristrasza – The Nexus (H)
Lavanthor – The Violet Hold (H)
PvP Reward
Champion’s Cache – Trial of the Champion (N)


Emblem of Triumph (35)
Scourgelord Tyrannus – Pit of Saron (H)
Forgemaster Garfrost – Pit of Saron (N)
Emblem of Valor (25)
Chrono-Lord Epoch – The Culling of Stratholme (H)
The Black Knight – Trial of the Champion (N)
Jewelcrafting BoE
World Drop
World Drop
Jewelcrafting BoE
General Bjarngrim – Halls of Lightning (N)


Emblem of Frost (60)
The Captain’s Chest – Halls of Reflection (H)
Emblem of Triumph (30)
Emblem of Conquest (28)
The Black Knight – Trial of the Champion (H)
Marwyn – Halls of Reflection (N)
Cyanigosa – The Violet Hold (H)
Gal’darah – Gundrak (H)
Svala Sorrowgrave – Utgarde Pinnacle (N)
Eadric’s Cache – Trial of the Champion (N)
Prince Taldaram – Ahn’kahet: The Old Kingdom (H)


Emblem of Triumph (75)
Emblem of Frost (95)
The Black Knight – Trial of the Champion (H)
Emblem of Triumph (50)
Devourer of Souls – The Forge of Souls (H)
Bronjahm – The Forge of Souls (H)
Emblem of Triumph (75)
Scourgelord Tyrannus – Pit of Saron (N)
King Dred – Drak’Tharon Keep (H)
Cache of Eregos – The Oculus (N)
Drakkari Elemental – Gundrak (H)
Ingvar the Plunderer – Utgarde Keep (H)


Leatherworking BoE
Emblem of Frost (95)
Leatherworking BoE
Emblem of Conquest (39)
Emblem of Triumph (50)
Scourgelord Tyrannus – Pit of Saron (H)
Eadric’s Cache – Trial of the Champion (N)
Marwyn – Halls of Reflection (N)
Scourgelord Tyrannus – Pit of Saron (N)
Gal’darah – Gundrak (H)
PvP Reward
Sjonnir The Ironshaper – Halls of Stone (H)
Leatherworking BoE
Hadronox – Azjol-Nerub (H)
Varos Cloudstrider – The Oculus (H)

Main hand/ off hand: (much better to use a 2 hander)

The Black Knight – Trial of the Champion (H)
Devourer of Souls – The Forge of Souls (H)
Bronjahm – The Forge of Souls (H)
The Captain’s Chest – Halls of Reflection (H)



Forgemaster Garfrost – Pit of Saron (H)
Confessor’s Cache – Trial of the Champion (H)
Emblem of Conquest (19)
Jewelcrafting BoE


Ick – Pit of Saron (H)
The Captain’s Chest – Halls of Reflection (N)
Scourgelord Tyrannus – Pit of Saron (N)
The Black Knight – Trial of the Champion (H)
Ingvar the Plunderer – Utgarde Keep (H)


Falric – Halls of Reflection (H)
Emblem of Triumph (30)
Confessor’s Cache – Trial of the Champion (H)
Forgemaster Garfrost – Pit of Saron (H)
Meathook – The Culling of Stratholme (H)


Emblem of Frost (60)
Emblem of Triumph (50)
Emblem of Heroism (40)
Cyanigosa – The Violet Hold (H)
Devourer of Souls – The Forge of Souls (H)
Confessor’s Cache – Trial of the Champion (N)
Emblem of Triumph (50)
Keristrasza – The Nexus (H)
King Dred – Drak’Tharon Keep (H)

Two hander:

Marwyn – Halls of Reflection (H)
Devourer of Souls – The Forge of Souls (N)
Confessor’s Cache – Trial of the Champion (H)



Emblem of Frost (60)
Leatherworking BoE
Scourgelord Tyrannus – Pit of Saron (H)
Ick – Pit of Saron (N)
Emblem of Conquest (28)
Leatherworking BoE
King Ymiron – Utgarde Pinnacle (H)
The Black Knight – Trial of the Champion (N)
Zone drop – Gundrak
Ionar – Halls of Lightning (H)
The Black Knight, Champion’s Cache – Trial of the Champion (H);
The Black Knight, Champion’s Cache – Trial of the Champion (H);
Salramm the Fleshcrafter – The Culling of Stratholme (N)
Leatherworking BoE
Forgemaster Garfrost – Pit of Saron (N)


Leatherworking BoE
Devourer of Souls – The Forge of Souls (H)
Gluth, Grobbulus – Naxxramas
Emblem of Valor (60)
Scourgelord Tyrannus – Pit of Saron (N)
Ick – Pit of Saron (H)
Keristrasza – The Nexus (H)
Confessor’s Cache – Trial of the Champion (N)
Tribunal Chest – Halls of Stone (H)
Leatherworking BoE
Confessor’s Cache – Trial of the Champion (H)
Novos the Summoner – Drak’Tharon Keep (H)
Leatherworking BoE
Ionar – Halls of Lightning (N)

And then there were four

Something happened a couple months ago. 

For good reason I found myself on a long neglected Troll Hunter. 

My first character to hit 60, and my first to hit 70 as well. Last November I found myself spending a bit of time on him farming cloth for the Pink Mageweave shirts that the Sidhe Devils handed out at the Raid for the Cure event. 

I also found that I missed playing that character. I have spent all my time and energy on my Alliance characters and completely neglected the one who got me started in the first place. I decided to change that. 

A little here and a little that I started questing my way through Northrend. Ever so slowly watching the little blue bar inch across the screen. That little blue bar finally turned purple on Sunday morning, one bubble away from the end. 

I go turn in the quests I had and what greets me? 

In a flash of light the journey came to a close.

I now have a level capped member of my favorite class on both sides of the fence.I look forward to running with my friends there.

Waiting, just waiting…

Lately I have noticed an interesting pattern, not just in myself but in quite a few others.

Those “casuals” that don’t do high-end PvP.

Those “casuals” that are not raiders.

Like planes flying in a holding pattern they seem to be just buzzing about waiting to do something.

They are disinterested, even bored with the game as it sits right now.

I am right there with them.


I am simply buzzing around in circles keeping myself occupied.

Waiting for Cataclysm and it’s promise of new content from the starting zones on.


Everything else I am doing now is just preparing for its arrival.

I suppose that’s why I am specced Survival.



Heirloom? Really?

I have played on my Shaman a good bit lately.

Enough that she has leveled up to 23 now exclusively as an LFD healer.

Lets just say that so far I am having a blast.

I do have one question though. It’s about heirlooms, the shoulders in particular.


Heirlooms are things no one ever liked well enough to wear out.


Why, oh why, do they have to look like a coat rack some ones grandpa bought at a yard sale?

Seriously, I should get to equip four extra cloaks from my coat hooks.



Thoughts on Blizzards Next Gen MMO

This one might just ramble a bit.

Mostly because I am not really talking about what I know as much as what I  Think is probable.

What the hell are you talking about you ask?

I am talking about what I see on the horizon as Blizzards next generation MMO.

You know, that game that most of us will likely end up playing a few years from now.


Now there are quite a few people that will not like the direction I see this going.  Actually, I’m not even really sure that I like the direction I see it going. Then again, I am just saying what I think will come to pass, not necessarily what I would like to see.


First thing I would do if I was sitting down to design a game is look at the type I am planning as it will influence nearly everything else in the decision tree.

Based entirely on the assumption that the next generation MMO will in fact, be an MMO, this question is partly answered already. Then again there are many types of MMO that are possible.

Not settings, thats a whole different issue. I am talking about actual game play types.

Based on what I have seen of the evolution of WoW I am leaning towards what amounts to a hybrid between the current gameplay model of WoW and a first person shooter. In a sense it’s already an option. Although everyone I have talked to plays with the camera zoomed out in more of a third person mode, it’s possible to zoom in and play in first person. 

I see that level of camera control being included in the game. It has worked well so far.

Another thing to note is that as time goes on much less reliance has been placed on things like crowd control and problem solving. More and more I see the design of encounters being “don’t stand in the bad stuff, kill the boss before he kills the group.”

As the fights evolve they seem to be more and more about movement, positioning, and overwhelming firepower. That kind of combat mechanic would fit in just as well with a rocket launcher toting grunt shooting at the big bad guy as it does with mages slinging fireballs.

This change to the group play dynamic has caused the fights to be more gear dependant then ever. That’s why they are essentially giving away tier 9 to your bank alt just for logging in at this point. The change has also made the game much more of a twitch reflex exercise in multitasking than it once was. 

Take into account also that Blizzard has done a good amount of experimenting with vehicle based fights and fighting in a three-dimensional environment. They have also done several fights now where the “holy trinity” of tank / heals/ Dps is not a factor. Think Malygos phase three as an example of all of that at once.

These kind of changes do not happen in a vacuum. Nor do the types of changes that have been revealed as coming in Cataclysm. Things like the continued homogenization of classes and the watering down of the talent trees. The upcoming paths of the titans that are apparently neither class or race specific is another example.

The developers at Blizz have said in the past that they work across groups to some extent at least. Ideas for these things could very well be coming from some of the same people that are working on the next game, just as ideas for the next game could be coming from some of WoW’s current development staff. 

They don’t even have to be working directly together to throw ideas back and forth around the water cooler.

All that together tells me to expect a MMO/FPS hybrid.


The next thing I would have to decide is the genre I plan to cover.

Most, if not all of the other decisions that will go into creating the core mechanics of the game would be influenced by this. It would need to be addressed early, before the project even started really.

Going back to the idea of a MMO/FPS I would look at genres the would support that type of game play.

The ones that come to mind are Sci-Fi, Fantasy/Medieval, Steampunk, Gothic, and Post-Apocalyptic.

I might very easily be missing a few, but those are what come to mind for me.


Sci-Fi would have a lot of potential. 

The vastness of space could account for a lot of diversity in races available to players. Different planets could essentially serve as separate servers, each with it’s own challenges and rewards.  “Technology” could take the place of “magic” for things we can’t readily explain the physics of.

There are a lot of plusses here, and I would love to play one created by Blizzard. Unfortunately I don’t really think this is the road they are going to go down.

I see two big reasons that I don’t think we will see it become Sci-Fi. One is the relatively large number of games that have tapped that genre already. The second and in my mind most telling is the fact that Blizzard has stated that it will not be in the Starcraft universe.

If they were going Sci-Fi they would certainly tap that brand recognition and use the Starcraft name if nothing else.


The Fantasy/medieval genre would make for a good game. Blizzard has shown that they know how such a thing could be made to work. The storylines would be fairly easy to craft as they don’t rely on anything “real”, it just must be internally consistent with it’s own lore.

The downsides of this are even greater than for a Sci-Fi game.

First and foremost Blizz already owns the flagship MMO in this genre. The would become their own competition. Unless they plan to retire WoW completely or graduate it to a free to play/ microtrasaction game this would make a poor business decision. You don’t want your two subscription based games fighting each other for players. Ideally you want them playing both.

Why would they even consider staying with this genre if they could work towards domination of another while trying to keep WoW going with perhaps a different business model?

Blizzard may rock as a game design company, but they are in the end a business. They exist to make money.

That’s the biggest reason I can think of that we won’t see the next MMO as a Fantasy/Medieval game.


Next up to the plate is Steampunk. Actually I will look at both Steampunk and Gothic together, as they have a lot of similarities.

Both have the potential to offer a wide verity of character archetypes. From vampires and werewolves to androids and regular humans all would fit right in. Between the two of them you have a lot of options to choose from. Hell, you could even run them together and have a Gothic Steampunk world.

It could even be made to account for two separate, possibly conflicting,  factions within the same game world.

Personally I like this idea. It would have a wide array of gameplay options. Everything from undead and magic to firearms and steam powered fighter planes would fit right in. It sounds like it could be a lot of fun.

Somehow I don’t see it happening. If I am wrong though I would put this as an interesting second choice.

I know if they made it I would play it.


This leaves me with one last contender, the one I think we will see on store shelves.

A post-apocalyptic world would lend itself to an MMO-FPS better than any of the others that I can think of.

There would be separated communities, and they would seem natural to separate into zones. It would make sense to have scarce resources, therefore having independent towns that acted as quest hubs to players would fit right in.  All the work Blizzard did on vehicle combat could come in very handy in something like this as well.

 There would be a lot of room to improvise in terms of both solo and group content. There would be reasons for both Pve and Pvp type content. Rep could be handled similarly to WoW. Each town or group of towns having it’s own reputation, perhaps with a bit of spillover to allied towns. Think of something similar to how rep with the goblin factions works.

Depending on how the world ended there could be mutations whether caused by radiation, a plague, or whatever else caused the apocalypse. This would give many available “classes” for lack of a better word, though I think it likely that your skills would be more separated from your class than in WoW.

Another thing that could not hurt is the likely timeframe. They have been working on this project for years, and that has likely just ramped up as more and more of the original WoW development team has moved over to work on it’s design.

Imagine the free publicity and general interest in a postapocalyptic game that was looking to hit the market in a couple years.

Say…. December of 2012 for instance.

In stores just in time for Christmas.



Elbow room

A few days ago I was talking about my plans for Cataclysm. Actually I have been doing that a lot lately.

In this particular case I talked about both leveling my existing level 80’s to 85 and starting shiny new alts. Gnomageddon brought up an interesting point in the comments. He mentioned how crowded the new areas will be.


I remember the chaos that was Hellfire Peninsula in the first days of The Burning Crusade.

I remember lagging out simply trying to zone into the Death Knight starter area in the days after Wrath launched.

I remember fighting shoulder to shoulder with dozens of others in the Draeni starter zone, trying to be the first to tag things as they spawned.

I remember how Shattrah stood empty while people literally waited in line for quest mobs to spawn in Borean Tundra.


Once upon a time I even wrote  a post about my plans to spend the early days of Wrath in a quiet place, and I did.

This time will be a little different. Not much, but a little.


In the early days of the Cataclysm I have absolutely no intention of trying to fight my way through the level 80-85 zones shoulder to shoulder with 75% of the rest of my server. Nor will I be in the new starting zones with the remaining 25% of my server trying desperately to level a Worgen or Goblin. Both of those will come with time.


My current plan though is to do the same with my healers as I am currently doing with my Pally and Shaman. I will hit up the Looking for Dungeon for the new shinys.

I figure that my Priest, and possibly my Shaman if she is high enough in level, will level to 85 exclusively through instances. Regardless of how many people are online I won’t be fighting people for quest mobs at least.

Well, this assumes that additional instance will be able to be launched.

When things settle down a bit I will level my Hunter through the new quest lines and experience the content.

Once things settle down even more I will level up my Goblin and Worgen.

I am just going to wait until I have a bit of elbow room.



Just an observation

It seem a lot of my posts start out with me sitting around the office in a caffeine deprived state. Generally I am pondering something of cosmic significance. You know the big picture important things in life.

Things like which alt to level today, or whether I want a bowl of chili or perhaps a sandwich for lunch.

Yes, apparently I need to find a new hobby.


Anyhow, I have been talking a bit about leveling alts lately.

That brought a question to mind that I decided to actually look into.


How much, exactly, would it cost to bankroll a brand new character all the way to level 80?


Oddly enough the answer is “It depends”.

There are a lot of factors that will change your total cost. 

Different classes, and even specs within the same class, will have slightly different costs due to training costs being different. How you choose to level will also play a lot into it.

You could instance your way up like I am doing with my Pally and actually make more than enough to cover repairs and training. Questing your way up will provide some gold as well as quest rewards that can be sold. Even grinding can be quite profitable.

There are simply too many variables to take into account, so I won’t even try.

Even the gold sinks are a big variable depending on class and reputation.

Here is an example.


  • Riding skill of 75 costs 4G, and has a mount cost of 1G. Unless you are a Pally or warlock, then it’s significantly cheaper at the trainer. 
  • Riding skill of 150 costs 50G and has a mount cost of 10G. Unless you are a Pally or warlock, then its significantly cheaper at the trainer. 
  • Riding skill of 225 costs between 600 and 480G depending on rep, with a mount cost of 50G. Unless you are a Druid, then it’s significantly cheaper at the trainer.
  • Riding skill of 300 costs between 4,000 and 5,000G depending on rep, with a mount cost of 100G.
  • Cold weather flight is 1000G.


At a glance I notice that only one of the five is actually a fixed cost. Over all the riding skill gold sink prices could range as high as 6,815G or as low as 5,073G depending on class and reputation levels. Over a 1,600G difference is quite a bit in my book.

I was originally planning on figuring out how much gold I would need to bank for each alt that I plan to level in Cataclysm before I actually start on them .

I suppose the answer is “at least 7,000G”, that way if anything I will overshoot on the high side.


What’s the point of this?

There is none.

Like the title says, I am just making an observation.

