Playing favorites

I got to thinking this morning.

If you have been around for long you know that usually is followed by some random observation about life, Warcraft, or the state of mind I happen to be in. Today however, that is not the case.

Instead of reading the news or any other such thing I decided to look through my past posts. I have quite a few posts I really enjoyed writing. Some were funny, some were serious, some were not even about Warcraft. Hell some were not even on this blog.

Anyhow, since I spent my time woolgathering instead of brainstorming I don’t have any good ideas for todays post. On the plus side I did spend a good amount of time enjoying some of my other stuff. 

I suppose instead of just ignoring my friends on the intertubes I’ll just afflict you with  “best of” list.

Well, maybe not the best, but some of my favorites anyhow.

Not so funny stuffs:

Casually Addicted (um, yes)

What are epics worth? (whatever your willing to pay)

Will heal for food (I never feel like this anymore, thankfully)

Everything I needed to know about WoW I learned in the Barrens (yep)

Something was missing (They nerfed it to the ground, then kicked it)

Kinda funny stuffs:

This just in (Arena really would make more sense like this)

Dads kiss up points, or DKP for short (yes, it’s working)

Way beyone grumpy (a rant, but a funny one)

/Headdesk (I still do things like this, often)

Blah (all purpose patch notes)

Stories about that place thats not Azeroth:

Five hours and counting (from yet another meme)

Escape to Azeroth (like a vacation commercial, only not)

Farewell old friend (once upon a time I lived there)

What would you ask? (what the next gen’s genera is going to be)

Oh, snap! ( I hate it when that happens)

Fan fiction/ stories:

And the lights grow dimmer (my all time favorite post, it just felt right)

Blood in the water (why don’t they clean up after themselves?)

Mirrior mirror (it would  be an odd feeling)

The same, except completely different (Mmmmm…. beer)

Missing (a diferent take on Mirror Mirror, and better written IMO)

Stuffs from my other distinctly non-WoW blog what might be entertaining:

A line in the sand (I wonder what I would have done?)

Frogs (still makes me laugh)

Oh cool, I found it! (yes I know it’s a recent post, but it’s a good one)

Mans best friend (sadly only one is still with us)

A ride (makes me want to get the bike out and go)

And there you have it, the perfect post for a day when I had no idea what to write.

Well, at least its not a gear list.

Showing a surprising lack of judgment I was invited to go hang out with the wonderful folks that make up the Sidhe Devils Gone Wild podcast. I would say they had never heard me talking before, but there is always Vent. They should have known better…

Anyhow, It was a blast. If you haven’t heard it yet you really should go check it out. I had a blast making it and got a good laugh listening to it this morning. Even though I already knew what was going to happen.

Go ahead…. go listen. I’ll still be here when you get back.

Assuming you come back after hearing me babble like a clueless noob.

Nothing to do with todays post, I just found this hilarious. I should cook mine like this tomorrow.

Oh, wow. Your back.

Either you didn’t go listen or you’re a real glutton for punishment.


Um… Well I didn’t really expect anyone to come back, so I guess I’ll try to throw a post together right quick.

Ooo… I know I’ll do a gear list, those are always fun.

Then again, with 3.3 dropping any day now it would be kinda pointless.


How about a rant? Rants are always fun.

Then again, the only thing that has ticked me off lately is getting to 39/40 turkeys for the Turkinator achievement three separate times and missing out on the last one every time. Annoying and bothersome yes, worthy of it’s very own post? Not so much.


I could try to drum up some interest in my non-Wow blog, perhaps by linking the post about how I found a needle that had gone missing in my house, and the hilarity that ensued . Then again, no one wants to read about that. This is supposed to be a WoW blog afterall.  


Well, I suppose I could just send out a happy Thanksgiving to everyone, both in-game and out.

Yep. we’ll go with that.

Tag, I’m it

Actually nobody tagged me on this one, but I like it so here it goes.

An interesting meme has been floating about lately, originally started  on the blog One among Many. It goes something like this.

Go back to your first few posts. Who was the first person to EVER comment on your blog? Call them out, link that post and thank them! Then tag a few folks to see who they call out.

On May the 14th of this year I first sat down in front of a shiny new empty blog and typed out a hello to the blogosphere post called Welcome Aboard. I did not expect much, after all I am still a complete and utter noob when it comes to this whole blogging thing. I knew even less back then!

Imagine my surprise when I checked in the next day to find that none other than Ratshag had stopped in to say hello, Or the following day when Kestrel stopped by.

This got me to thinking, I never actually sat down and actually said thanks to my readers.

I started this blog as a place to store my notes. To collect my thoughts in a way I could come back to later (sometimes wondering what the hell I was thinking). I kept it going because I found I enjoyed the conversation. Many thanks, both to the commenters and the lurkers, for coming along for the ride.

Now I suppose I should tag a few folks myself,

Altaholic Mom from Altoholic’s Are Us who has been a longtime guidmate, and a friend both in game and out.

Larisa from The Pink Pigtail Inn who may not even realize that a few kind words once kept me from retiring the blog.

Breana from The Gun Loving Dwarf Chick who was one of my inspirations for starting this thing up in the first place.

Big Bear Butt of (you guessed it) Big Bear Butt who’s writing showed me that you can be both informative and funny together.  Somehow I can only manage one at a time, but I am working on it.

And last but not least Gevlon of the Greedy Goblin. I may not always agree with what he has to say, but it makes me think. That alone makes it worth reading.

Once again, thanks



When you are talking about Johnny from down the road that you went to high school with, or Mary from the cubicle next to yours, even Willie from the service that you have not seen in a decade and you call them friends everyone knows what you are talking about. Society seems to say you can be friends with folks you rarely speak with and in some cases would not even invite to your home. There are people that go out of their way to set up pen-pals, friends who my never meet, and that’s OK.


Try explaining to someone who does not spend much time on-line how you can be friends with people you have met through playing a video game and wait for the blank stares. Why is it that people simply can’t understand that you can in fact become friends just chatting. Sitting up late, just hanging out in vent or typing back and forth. The Internet is a wonderful place, I have gotten to meet lots of interesting people I would likely never have met without it. The only downside is that while the earth has shrunk in terms of communication it is still a pretty big place as far as actually getting somewhere goes.


Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to say, lets raid (insert instance here) tonight and then all get together for lunch tomorrow? How about getting a whole guild together for a cookout? In a few rare cases it might be able to happen, but most guilds are made up of folks from all over.


One of those friends of mine I have known for a couple of years. She has been my raid leader, guild master, and seemingly bottomless pit of little bits of knowledge about the wonderful game we play. Yesterday she also decided to join the ranks of those who blog about warcraft. Stop by and check it out,  tell her Dechion sent you =)

Get your nether twisted

If you have somehow stumbled upon my humble abode and have not yet heard of the Twisted Nether Blogcast this weeks was even better than last, and last weeks was great.

Please head on over and get your nether twisted.  It is well worth your time.

Go on, trust me, my little corner of the blogoverse will be here when you get back.