A whole herd of unicorns

A few days ago Breana from the Gun Lovin Dwarf Chick asked an interesting question.

What is your Unicorn? What is that one mystical piece of loot that always seems to elude you?

For me I actually had two, and here is their story.

As I was leveling my first hunter shortly afterThe Burning Crusade hit I saw a 70 hunter in one of the top raiding guilds on our server carrying one of the most awesome looking bows ever. He was p[acking the Sunfury Bow of the Phoenix. Right then and there I decided that was the bow for me. Decado ran Kara for months, back when it was progression content, hoping to see it.

Decado is retired now, and never did see it drop.


For Morham it was Lights Justice, that wonderful healing mace from Prince. He never did finish the key quest for Kara, never being able to gather a group for Arcatraz. One thing he did managed to do is run Kara every single week, pugging it when he had to, hoping for his drop. He ran kara till he was exalted twice over yet never did he see it.  In a cruel twist of fate he happens to be an enchanter. He did see the Sunfury Bow drop with nobody in the group that could use it. He has disenchanted Decado’s prized loot.



Drupadi was leveled late in The Burning Crusade, only finally hitting 70 a few months before Wrath hit. She never really had anything she particularly lusted after since she knew it would all be replaced soon. Oddly enough she has been through Kara one time but managed to get virtually every drop Decado ever wanted. If they met in World’s end Tavern (Decado’s favorite hangout) he would likely as not throw things in her direction.

Like Decado before her however she has seen the weapon that caught her eye. The Envoy on Mortality is a wonderful looking gun, in a very spiky kind of way. It drops from Kel-thuzad in 25 man Naxx, which I don’t exactly run every day. Talk to me in a year and we shall see if she managed to catch her unicorn.

Or (more likely) just spent her time tilting at windmills.

Daily Fun

Usually I show up here on Monday mornings grumpy and generally unhappy with being back to work. Today though, not so much. This was a most excellent weekend, both in game and out. So good in fact that it is overshadowing my normal, almost Garfeild like, dislike for Mondays.

The group of server hopping wandering refugees  friends that I have run with for several years has found a new home in a guild called Damage Control. It’s hard to explain why, but I really like the “atmosphere” the guild provides. Altaholic Mom and her husband Zere even managed to go successfully run a heroic OS with them, although I was offline at the time.

My in game time was pretty limited this weekend by doing a lot of work around the house. The time I did spend was pretty well rewarded. Both with skillups, much needed rep gains, and a nice BoE epic healing belt for Morham once he hits 80.

Speaking of, who is this Jordan guy anyway? He keeps leaving his stuff all over the place. This weekend I find his belt laying about, just like I found his staff a long time ago. Perhaps next it will be “Jordans lightly soiled knickers” or the epic headpiece “Jordans misplaced toupee”.

I have officaily done my last Ebon Blade daily quest. I hit revered with them Saturday morning opening up the vendor for the head enchant and shoulders I was after. The odds of me ever getting to exaulted are right up there with getting hit by an asteroid. Sure, it could happen, but don’t hold your breath.

After the Ebon Blade was done I promptly reset my home to K3 to start the Sons of Hodir questline and dailys. I am sure that I will be even more sick of them than I am of burning down houses and impaling folks for the Ebon Blade soon enough. In the mean time, I will just enjoy the questline.

What we need is another set of dailys, ones done in citys. Dailys that would give rep to whatever faction you are wearing the tabard for. Challenging non-repetitive dailys like taking out the trash from all the shops in Dalaran. Another could be cleaning off the tables, even doing the dishes! The list goes on and on. Making the beds in the inn, picking up trash off the streets, feeding the animals in the stables. You name it, we could quest for it.

Really, the only limit to the chore listpossible dailys is the imagination.

In other news this weekend I also managed to finish leveling Engineering to 450. I could easily have stopped at 440 and made my epic helm, but decided to go ahead and finish. I am glad I did it, and I am glad its done. Well, I am done until the next expansion anyway.

While the server sleeps

The major project for my this past week has been switching over Drupadi from Mining and Skinning to Mining and Engineering. It is hard to describe in words my excitement as a flew around in circles for nearly 5 hours Thursday morning farming enough Cobalt to choke a horse. On the plus side I also ended up with 12 green gems, 6 blue gems, and 19 eternals. We won’t even talk about the old world and outlands ore gathered over the last week or so.

Hitting “smelt Cobalt” I headed off into the kitchen to see if I had the mats to craft a pancake breakfast for the family. Once I dug everything up I cooked us all a nice meal, then sat down and ate. After that was all done I headed back to my computer only to find I was still smelting Cobalt. Like I said, I had a bunch.

tools of the trade


The best part was spending the better part of the day (off and on) running the crafting circuit. You know the one I am talking about. Trainer -> bank -> forge -> mailbox -> trainer……. On the plus side, I managed to get all the way to 418 by the time it was done for the day.

I swear Drupadi lost 20 pounds doing laps around Dalaran making all kinda of nifty engineering gizmos. If she could have reached out of the screen and slapped me upside the head she likely would have. Particularly if she knew my plans for Saturday morning. You see I still need Saronite (and lots of it) to finish off the whole “learn a new skill” thing.

That’s her mission for Saturday. We prep the bird and head to the basin, carving circles in the sky and filling our bags with Saronite while the server sleeps.

The anticipation is killin me, I can hardly wait.